Episode #212 – Share Your Information With the World And Get the Benefit of Increasing Your Subject Matter Expert Status.

Roxanne Rockvam

“The miracle is this, the more we share, the more we have.” Leonard Nimoy

When you’re stuck and can’t figure out how or why to become a Subject Matter Expert, focus on the inspiration for today!   Because when you share you have more.

Take a look at the benefits to sharing.  First, your audience gains knowledge.  Second, you gain status.

When your audience gains knowledge they learn.  It’s a gratifying feeling when someone appreciates you information.  If you speak the feeling of compliments after the presentation is wonderful.  When you write an article and someone sends an email or message thanking you for your knowledge it’s great, too!  Recognition makes it worth the time you took to share that information.  Some people simply like the aspect of knowing they shared information that was helpful, others need the affirmation.

But either way you gain status.  The status is similar to a trophy.  It’s a living resume of what you’ve done to advance your cause.  When you write an article or speak at an event it is like getting a certification or endorsement that you can use on your website.  It’s funny, but people often forget this “perk” of the speaking/writing adventure.  You may choose to write an article because it’s a topic you are passionate about but when it’s published by another source, you can add it to your site and link back.

Same with speaking!  Make sure to take video and photos of your presentation.  At the immediate moment you may have NO idea how you will use these items, but someday you may want to create a brochure or section on your website titled “speaking” – it’s easier to go into your archives and pick out information from a past event vs. waiting for the next event!  I say do this all the time.  Even if it seems mundane… such as a trade show… take photos and a short video so you have the archive!  (Hint: I’d like to see you post it on Facebook, your website, and your email list – but for now… let’s just get the items)

So there are two ideas to building your Subject Matter Status; Speaking and Writing for Trade Publications… what else is there?  Well, you can always write a book.  (I’m still working on mine… I think I need some motivation to get past the “block” I’m encountering… ugh!)  But I say write it!  Everyone should write a book, share you knowledge.  Just get it on paper.  Last winter I wrote about 98 pages and then decided it sounded like every other book on marketing… so I’ve done a lot of personal experience to figure out what worked for me!  So if you’re contemplating what to write about… think to your own experiences and even if it’s a crowded topic, how something “worked for you” can be very useful!

PS: If you’re not up for a book, how about a top 10 list and posting it on your site!  Baby Steps.


SME + Content/Consistency + Goals/Motivation + Customers = Infinity Marketing Machine

PS: Make sure to “like” this post… and follow me!  (and please do me a favor… if you want more great ideas like the one in this post, just fill out this form and I’ll send them to you…  start here)


Action Steps
1- Decide one way to make a step forward toward enhancing your Subject Matter Expert Status… will you speak at an event, write an article for a trade journal… maybe write a book!  (OR like I said, start with a top 10 suggestions list)
2- Install my free app! (SmallBusinessClubApp.com)

Listen to Episode #212 of the Two Minute Commute audio blog Podcast


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